Morris Pink Honeysuckle Notebook
William Morris’s Pink Honeysuckle & Tulip design is just as fitting for contemporary interiors as it was in 1876. If you are not quite ready to paper your walls with the fragrant vines however, why not let Paperblanks’ Pink Honeysuckle journal bedeck your coffee table?
Among his many talents, William Morris was an avid gardener and environmentalist. His famous floral designs stemmed from his knowledge of horticulture and were inspired by medieval tapestries and the many gardens he planted and tended.
Let your writing blossom through Paperblanks’ lined, archival-quality pages. Tuck seeds of inspiration in the memento pouch on the inside back cover of this inspirational notebook. Inhale and you just might catch a breath of the buds intoxicating scent emanating from the embossed cover.
Hard Cover 7 x 9 Inch
144 pages
Lined Paper or Blank Paper
120 GSM paper weight
Space Between Lines : 8.11mm
Lines per page : 25
Smyth sewn binding - book opens flat
Acid Free - sustainable sourced paper
Elastic Band closure
Memento pouch on the inside back cover
Ribbon marker
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