Daisy Blue Mat


Mad Mats Daisy Blue Indoor/Outdoor Rug

Turning Trash into Treasure. This is an original Gold Standard Mad Mat, guaranteed to last, known for its high-quality construction and superior materials. It is soft yet colorfast and resilient. The unique plastic formula incorporates state-of-the-art UV protection.

The tubular threads used to weave the mat don't absorb water, dirt, or stains of any kind. Leaves, food, doggie mishaps; they all rinse away with a garden hose. Water drains through them quickly, so they don't mildew or rot wooden decking.  Walk on a Mad Mat after a rainy night and notice how clean it still looks and feels. That's truly carefree. Made of recycled polypropylene with polyester ribbon.

CARE:  Wash your Mad Mat in mild detergent to remove greasy dirt, otherwise it can be rinsed with a garden hose. You do not need to take it in for the winter - just throw it down and that's it for the year!

Perfect for poolside, patio, porch, deck, doorstep, kitchen, and/or mudroom.

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